Gulsira Aujelchan only returned to China to take care of her father. She was immediately captured and has been held in so-called „re-education camps“. She was forced to dance and sing Chinese communist songs and was forbidden to communicate in Kazach language with her inmates. Together with 60 other woman, she shared a dormitory which was under video surveillance at all times. Even the bathrooms and toilets had cameras. Kazakhstan 2019

Tursynbek Kabi was arrested in September 2018. They didn’t tell him why. He was held captive in a cage for seven days, which was too small even to lie down. He was fed only bread and water, and whenever he fell asleep he was beaten with an electric probe. Kazakhstan 2019

Muratchan A. decided to go back to China to take care of some paperwork, when he was captivated and sent to one of China's so-called re-education camps. He was forced to stay for ten months. After his release in January 2019 it took six more months until he could flee back to Kasachstan. His wife was captivated too. They are still scared. When released, they where forced to sign agreements stating they would remain silent about what happened in the camps. Kazakhstan 2019

Gulsira Aujelchan only returned to China to take care of her father. She was immediately captured and has been held in so-called „re-education camps“. She was forced to dance and sing Chinese communist songs and was forbidden to communicate in Kazach language with her inmates. Together with 60 other woman, she shared a dormitory which was under video surveillance at all times. Even the bathrooms and toilets had cameras. Kazakhstan 2019