"I shouldn’t be here. I should be at home. Should have a job that keeps the capitalist wheels oiled. Should sleep in a bed, pay rent, pay taxes, pay insurance, pay pension. I should get married, become a mother, run the household, get up in the morning and go to sleep at night. I should care for the garden, sweep leaves, wash my car. Wait for the weekend, count my holidays, spend summer swimming and winter skiing. I should always be available, predictable. But that’s not who I am. That’s who I will never be.
This is my life, my rebellion. A rebellion that belongs to me alone, that doesn’t hurt anyone."
Als blinde Passagierin mit dem Güterzug durch das Herz Amerikas
Riva Verlag
349 Seiten
32 Bildseiten mit 64 Farbfotografien
ISBN Print 978-3-7423-0436-0

Zach, me, Noah and Sarawh
Richmond / Virginia, May 2017
Jack Norcross wrote a poem
New Orleans / Louisiana, June 2017