Olga has been a piano teacher befor her drug addiction became incompatible with a regular job. She started with heroin in the nineties, when it became popular in Togliatti. Her daughter is proud of her, thinking that she is clean. Secretely she is still taking heroin as soon as she can afford it. Her husband and most of her friends died from drugs. Togliatti, Russia 2019

Igor (right) smoking "Speed" from a rebuilt light bulb in a friend’s flat. Igor is a clan member and spent more than 12 years in prison for robbery and possession of drugs. Togliatti, Russia 2019

View from one of the drug flats in Togliatti, Russia. Togliatti, Russia 2019

Olga has been a piano teacher befor her drug addiction became incompatible with a regular job. She started with heroin in the nineties, when it became popular in Togliatti. Her daughter is proud of her, thinking that she is clean. Secretely she is still taking heroin as soon as she can afford it. Her husband and most of her friends died from drugs. Togliatti, Russia 2019