Khairi (centre) has been captured by ISIS together with his mother and older sister. They where able to escape after three years of captivity, torture and cruelty. Khairi suffered from severe bone fractures and internal injuries apart from mental trauma. German Doctor Andreas Gammel heard about Khairi‘s fate and decided to bring him from Iraq to Germany for treatment. Iraq 2017

Khairi (born 2013) visiting the holy temple of Lalish. The tomb of Sheik ʿAdī ibn Musāfir, the most significant Saint of the Yazid community, resembles the centre of creation. Khairi’s family visits the site a few days before Khairi, his mother and sister are leaving to Germany. They will have to leave the father and two more brothers behind as they didn’t get a visa. Iraq 2017

Sometimes Dr. Gammel has to ask himself if it was right of him to separate the family again. If they would find happiness in Germany or if they would have been better off staying in Iraq. But every time he sees Khairi and the other children making progress, playing and laughing, he feels that it was the right thing to do. Germany 2018

Khairi (centre) has been captured by ISIS together with his mother and older sister. They where able to escape after three years of captivity, torture and cruelty. Khairi suffered from severe bone fractures and internal injuries apart from mental trauma. German Doctor Andreas Gammel heard about Khairi‘s fate and decided to bring him from Iraq to Germany for treatment. Iraq 2017